Cherry Pie Diptych, 30 x 60, oil on canvas, $2700

Mt Cuba Water Lilies, 36 x 48 SOLD

Bohemian Rhapsody, 30 x 48, oil on canvas, $1850

Roxborough Reservoir, 30 x 48, oil on canvas, $1850

Sunday Forest, 18” x 24”, oil on panel

Weekend Wander, 24 x 48 SOLD

Spring Creek, 24 x 36 SOLD

Spring at Last, 18 x 14, $600

February Forest, 30 x 40, SOLD

Wet Rocks, 18 x 24 SOLD

Lighten Up, 18 x 24, $840

Curtis Arboretum, 18 x 36, $1050

Hope In Fall, 40 x 60 SOLD

Oaks in October, 8 x 10, $410 oil on panel

Fine Sand Beach Maine 24 x 36” $1,150


Hollyhocks 36 x 36 $1,675


Goat’s Beard 20 x 30, $925

Maine Night, 12 x 12 oil on panel SOLD

Mosaic Forest, 30” x "30”, contact Borrelli’s Gallery in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 19118

February Forest Sketch, 10” x 20” $630

FDR Lake, 36 x 36, oil on canvas SOLD

Mt Cuba Solitude, 16 x 16 SOLD

Anderson Street, 12 x 16, $575

Pines of Maine

Pines of Maine, 30 x 30 SOLD

Fall Treeline 30 x 40"  $1450

Fall Tree Line, 30 x 40”, $1600


Blue Grass Forest Two, 30 x 24”, $1,025

June Woods #1, 11” x 14”, $525

Spring Fling, 30” x 48”, oil on canvas SOLD

Mosaic Forest Sketch, 18” x 24”, oil on panel, $750

In the Creek, 16 x 16, $640

Blue Creek, 30” x 40”, oil on canvas SOLD

Dandelion Day Diptych, 30” x 60”, oil on canvas, $2,700 SOLD

Cedar’s at Longwood, 30” x 40”, $1600

June Sketch #2, 12” x 12”, $500

Michigan Sky 40” x 40” oil on canvas, Borrelli’s Gallery Philadelphia

Michigan Sky 40” x 40” oil on canvas, Borrelli’s Gallery Philadelphia

Wild Foxglove, 18 x 24”, oil on panel, $750

Dancing Trees, 24 x 30, $1,130 oil on canvas

Almost Fall, 20 x 24”, $1,030 oil on canvas Not For Sale

Looking Up 24” x 30” oil on panel     $1050

Looking Up 24” x 30” oil on panel $1000

High Trail, 36” x 48”, $2,475 oil on canvas

Sycamore Couple, 24 x 30, $1,130 oil on canvas

Anderson Woods Diptych, 30” x 60”, oil on canvas $2450

Anderson Woods Diptych, 30” x 60”, oil on canvas SOLD

March Trio, 36” x 48”, $2,475 oil on canvas


Ken’s Irises, 24 x 36 SOLD

Ringing Rocks, 30 x 40, oil on canvas, $1450

White Lilies, 40” x 40” oil on canvas     SOLD

White Lilies, 40” x 40” oil on canvas SOLD

Stained Glass Woods, 24” x 24” oil on canvas SOLD

Stained Glass Woods, 24” x 24” oil on canvas SOLD


Wissahickon Rock Path 28 x 22” SOLD

Wissahickon Summer H 9” x 12” oil om panel $310

Wissahickon Summer V 9” x 12” SOLD

A Nice Place to Walk, 24” x 48” oil on canvas SOLD

Dusk at the Grocery, 10 x 10 oil on canvas SOLD

Stepping Stones, 30 x 40 SOLD

Wissahickon Summer V 9” x 12” oil on panel     SOLD

Wissahickon Summer V 9” x 12” oil on panel SOLD

Wissahickon Fall 30” x 30” oil on canvas     SOLD

Wissahickon Fall 30” x 30” oil on canvas SOLD

Cathedral Ceiling II, 24” x 30 oil on canvas, Borrelli’s Gallery Philadelphia

Cathedral Ceiling II, 24” x 30 oil on canvas SOLD

Into the Woods, 36” x 36” oil on canvas     $1395

Into the Woods, 36” x 36” oil on canvas SOLD


Early Evening, 36 x 48” SOLD